News ID: 2844
Publish Date : 19 June 2018 - 09:07

Will Vehicle Import Improve?

Auto industry was a leader industry after the JCPOA to improve the economy condition but it isn’t in a good shape. In this situation importers hope to see a better condition for imported vehicles soon.
Khodrocar – These days imported vehicles and domestic market is not in a good shape and prices are different. Now, after 3 months from the year beginning the blame for this turbulent market is unclear.

In these turbulent days of vehicle market, some of activists are complaining about the shortage of cars and on the other hand domestic automakers are blame for the recent turbulent. It has been said that local automakers are storing their products.

Now, regardless of speculation or non-hoarding by domestic automakers, the certain thing is the lack of supervision by the government. The market is totally governmental by presence of two major automakers and it needs the government’s supervision. Since the beginning of the year the government and the parliament didn’t well in their

supervision duty and according to the activists the main culprit is the government.
In this situation, Reza Shiva, president of council of competition ignored the delay of the council and said: since Trump talked about the JCPOA, car’s market faced with some turbulence. Now, importers are not silent and asking for the government to help them which they are waiting for answers right now.

Now, if we say that shortage of supply from local automakers is the main reason for the price increment then what is the reason for the turbulent in the imported vehicles market? Is the six months shut down of SABTARESH did this?

"Naturally, the relation between local and foreign market is not logical but we must mention that SABTARESH shut down since last July and importers waiting in for the 42000 IRRs Dollar are the main reasons for the shortage of imported cars.” Farhad Ehtesham Zadeh, vice president of vehicle importers association told Khodrocar reporter. "With no doubt, vehicle importers are struggling with different problems in the last year. Meanwhile, there was no problem for importing auto parts and the order registration was ok for them.”

"While auto parts imported with no delay, now the inventory of part makers is now more than the needs of the day. Therefore, the anticipation of market inflammation from automakers was not expected immediately. Right now, part of price increment is because of the costs increment and part of it is because of the additional request of imported vehicles which changed direction toward local market.” He added.

"The current market is not beneficial for the importer, the customer or the government but it is just has benefits for the jobbers who made black market for their imported cars. Past year problems is the reason of today’s turbulent. Now if we want to compare local and foreign markets, it won’t be right. However, we hope to see the condition improve in the near future.” He said.

It seems that not from the beginning 1397 but from the middle of 1396 and after SABTARESH opening the auto industry moved toward inflating stagnation. It seems that auto industry is not happy like the first days of JCPOA but importers are looking for the government’s help.

Khodrocar Reporter : Negar Mir Karimi

Khodrocar Translator: Amin Zamani